Committees » ​​​​​​​​​​​Audit Com​mi​​​ttee

​​​​​​​​​​​Audit Com​mi​​​ttee

In accordance with the Ontario Regulation 361/10, The Northwest Catholic District School Board formed an Audit Committee in March 2011. The Audit Committee is comprised of two elected Trustees (4 year term) and external volunteer members (3 year term). The role of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its responsibilities related to governance and oversight.
The primary duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee include:
  • review the overall effectiveness of the Board's internal controls;
  • discuss with the Board's officials the Board's significant financial risks and the measures to be taken to monitor and manage these risks
  • review the internal Auditor's mandate
  • make recommendations to the Board on the content of Annual or Multi-Year Internal Audit Plans
  • review the independence and performance of the Board's external auditors;
  • review the performance of the Internal Auditor
Please see the  Ontario Regulation 361/10 - Audit Committees for more information​ :

Audit Committee Members:

  • Cathy Piotrowski, Trustee and Chair of the Audit Committee
  • Jim Kulchyski, Trustee
  • Cathy Bowen, Trustee
  • David Sharp, Trustee (Alternate)
  • Corrine Owen, External Volunteer Member
  • Maurice Fillion, External Volunteer Member


Resource to the Committee:​

  • Jackie Robinson, Director of Education
  • Alex McAuley, Superintendent of Business