Catholicity » RE AQ Course

RE AQ Course

Religious Education Additional Qualification Courses

All Educators in the Northwest Catholic DSB must receive Part 1 within the first two years of employment. Governance Policy EL9.0 section 2C.

Part 1:

This course supports the ongoing commitment of Catholic teachers to religious
literacy, perso​nal and communal renewal and the building of faith community in
our Catholic schools. The foundational component of in-depth scripture study
coupled with faith development, liturgical celebration and ethical studies
through the Catholic lens enables teachers to make faith connections within
themselves and within their classroom curriculum. The integration of an
informed faith with teaching practice enables teachers to support the Ontario
Catholic Graduate School Expectations in a professional and powerful way.
This course is open to all teachers who have a Certificate of Qualification and
Registration from the Ontario College of Teachers.

Part 2

This course, including its modular format, continues to support the ongoing
commitment of Catholic teachers to religious literacy, personal and communal
renewal and the building of faith community in our Catholic schools. The focus
of this course is the prophetic voice of the Church. Through a close
examination of the Judeo-Christian call to be a prophetic witness through the
centuries, teachers are invited to align their current practice as Catholic
educators with the prophetic voice of the Church today.
Through the insights of sacred scripture, Church teaching and communal
liturgical celebration, teachers are able to deepen their own spiritual
commitment as prophetic voices in the Catholic School. Awareness of the
marginalized and the option for the poor, in all of its meanings informs
teaching practice and student achievement in concrete ways. This awareness
enables teachers to make faith connections within themselves and within their
classroom curriculum. The integration of an informed faith with teaching
practice enables teachers to support the Ontario Catholic Graduate School
Expectations in a professional and powerful way.


The focus of this course is the call received through Baptism to be leaders and
ministers of the faith. Through a close examination of the Judeo-Christian call
to witness to the love of the living God at work in the world, this course calls
teachers to fulfill their Baptismal promise to be the light of Christ in their
vocation as Catholic teachers.
A study of the scriptural, liturgical and sacramental foundation of ministry
within the Church clarifies and encourages Catholic teachers to infuse the
curricular and extra-curricular activities of their schools with the essence of
Gospel values. Teachers are invited to align their current practice as Catholic
educators with the ministerial voice of the Church today.
Through the insights of sacred scripture, Church teaching and communal
liturgical celebration, teachers are able to deepen their own spiritual
commitment in the Catholic School. This focus informs teaching practice and
student achievement in concrete ways. This awareness enables teachers to
make faith connections within themselves and within their classroom
curriculum. The integration of an informed faith with teaching practice enables
teachers to support the Ontario Catholic Graduate School Expectations in a
professional and powerful way.
This course is open to all teachers who have a Certificate of Qualification and
Registration from the Ontario College of Teachers.​